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Het Laatste Avondmaal (Leonardo da Vinci) - Wikipedia Het Laatste Avondmaal (in het Italiaans Il Cenacolo of L'Ultima Cena) is een muurschildering geschilderd door Leonardo da Vinci in opdracht van hertog Ludovico The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci) - Wikipedia The Last Supper specifically portrays the reaction given by each apostle when Jesus said one of them would betray him All twelve apostles have different reactions to Lonard de Vinci & La Science - ginouxuniv-tlnfr ginouxuniv-tlnfr 3 B Les da Vinci codex Ces douze carnets ou codex datent de 1487 a 1508 environ Au format et au contenu varis ils sont plus Da Vinci's most famous works: The Mona LisaThe Last The Last Supper a secret visual journey through Leonardo da Vinci's famous Fresco Where the Grail Excalibur Templar Knights the face of God and mother and child Leonardo3 Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition Traveling exhibitions devoted to Leonardo da Vinci Best contents and premieres touring the world Codex Atlanticus Wikipdia Le Codex Atlanticus ou Codice Atlantico est un recueil de dessins et de notes de Lonard de Vinci conserv la bibliothque Ambrosienne de Milan Lonard de Vinci Wikipdia Lonard de Vinci (Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci couter dit Leonardo da Vinci [Note 2]) n Vinci le 15 avril 1452 et mort Amboise le 2 mai 1519 est un Leonardo da Vinci - Simple English Wikipedia the free Leonardo da Vinci; Portrait of Leonardo by Melzi: Birth name: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci: Born 15 April 1452 Vinci Republic of Florence: Died: 2 May 1519 (aged 67) Personal life of Leonardo da Vinci - Wikipedia The personal life of Leonardo da Vinci (15 April 1452 2 May 1519) has been a subject of interest inquiry and speculation since the years immediately following The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci - Internet Sacred Text Leonardo Da Vinci arguably the central figure of the Renaissance has long been considered by many a man of mystery This is in spite of the fact that we have an
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